多媒體演示創新系列(24) – 《Marvel隊長》90年代風網站勾起那些年上網之回憶

iGardener老師一向不算是 MarvelW 迷,個人對 DC漫畫W 的英雄更有感覺,一向以為,MarvelW 不少的電影都是把時間線設在未來,不過最近在香港上映的 Captain MarvelW《Marvel隊長》是把故事設在1990年代。

1. Marvel 電影時間軸 (MCU Timeline):

  • Captain America: The First Avenger
  • Captain Marvel
  • Iron Man
  • The Incredible Hulk
  • Iron Man II
  • Thor
  • The Avengers I
  • Iron Man III
  • Thor The Dark World
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • Ant-Man
  • Captain America: Civil War
  • Black Panther
  • Spiderman – Homecoming
  • Dr. Strange
  • Thor Ragnarok
  • Avengers: Infinity War
  • Avengers: Infinity War Il (or whatever it will be called)


2. Captain Marvel 網站90年代經典風格逐個數

很欣賞 Marvel 的心思,製作了一個90年代經典風格的 Captain Marvel 網站,入面都有不少電影資料和小玩意,有興趣可以玩下。


有興趣的,可以按此處去相關網站,MarvelW 的設計師聲稱這網站是用經典的FrontPageW 製作,我感覺非常符合 HTML 語法,真的信不信由你。

與其說這網站是FrontPageW 製作,iGardener老師反覺得是很 Geocities,當中充滿了90年代我們喜歡的東西,例如:

  • 動畫 GIFW
  • Comics Sans
  • 文字藝術師 (Word Art)
  • 點擊計數器 (hit counter)
  • 小遊戲
  • 彈出窗口 (pop-up windows)
  • 破碎的圖像




3. iGardener 老師那些年,初上網回顧

3.1 硬件 – U.S. Robotics 28.8 kbps 內置 MODEM

90年代的某年暑假,iGardener 老師花了 HKD2,300 ,在高登買了一塊 U.S. Robotics 28.8 kbps 內置 MODEM,

3.2 ISP – HKNet 撥號上網服務

免PNET 費,謝謝當年在 HKNet 服務的 莫乃光W Charles Mok ,以相宜的上網月費讓不少老師踏上互聯網的大道。

3.3 ISP – HKCampus 免費老師撥號上網服務

ISP – HKCampus 免費老師撥號上網服務,謝謝當年香港中文大學的 黃寶財W 教授的統籌,該計劃讓全港學校踏上互聯網的大道,更提供全校師生電郵及網頁寄存服務,令第一代 iGarden 網站提供寄存的地方。

3.4 網頁編寫 – Microsoft FrontPage

當年未有 blogW 的概念,iGardener 是使用 Microsoft FrontPage 網頁編寫軟件,一步一腳印, 一頁一HTML檔, 逐頁寫成第一代的 iGarden 網站


多媒體演示創新系列(23) – 使您的課堂更多姿多采的185段影片


記得小學時全校只有兩部流動「教育電視W車」,見到校役叔叔推「教育電視W車」入課室時,好比在街上見到富x雪糕車般興奮,因為那時沒有多媒體W教學,亦不是個個學生家裡有彩色電視W,看教育電視W是一件大事 (Watching ETV is something)。

時至今日,這是一個影片W (video) 為主導的年代,在課室使用影片W已証實(見圖)有其益處,無論是教學上或其他方面:

在外國有位老師 Paul Bogush 分享了他的影片庫,這些影片都曾經為他的課堂帶來不少姿采,他更將影片分了類,針對課堂的不同需要:

  1. 啟發思考的影片 Videos that make us think
  2. 激勵人心的影片 Videos that inspire us
  3. 目瞪口呆的影片 Videos that amaze us
  4. 引發問題的影片 Videos that make us ask questions
  5. 開懷大笑的影片 Videos that get us to laugh together


1. 啟發思考的影片 Videos that make us think:

Mankind is no Island 

Brown Eyes/Blue Eyes 
Did you Know?
Piano Stairs 
Dove Evolution 
Kaplan U Desks 
Do Schools Kill Creativity? 
Just One Girl 
Micheal Jordon-Failure
The Deepest Garbage Can
The Years are Short 
Stuck on an Elevator
The Money Tree
Dear 16 Year Old me
Staring Contest
Power of Words
Be a Follower
Instant Face Maker
Girl and the Fox
Butterfly Circus  (特別推薦…)
I Can’t Read… 
Knock Knock
Dear 16 Year Old Me 
Why I Hate School but Love Education 
I will not let an exam determine my fate

2. 激勵人心的影片 Videos that inspire us:

I Love Living Life 
Try to Do 
Be the Change You Want to See in the World 
Together We Can Change the World 
Blind Painter 
Free Hugs Sour
Dustin carter
Pep Talk from Kid President to You
Caines Arcade
K id Speech
Think Different
Everyone needs to wear sunscreen
I Hope You See This
Human Shadows

3. 目瞪口呆的影片 Videos that amaze us:

LED Sheep Herding Time Warp 
Paul the Opera Singer
Breaking Wine Glass 
Boyanka Angelova 
One in Million Chance 
Human Shadow Puppets 
Giant Water Slide 
OK Go 
Dominoes in the Kitchen 
Greatest Car Advertisement Ever 
Test Your Awareness 1 
Test Your Awareness 2 
Test Your Awareness 3 
Test Your Awareness 4 
Bruce Lee Table Tennis
Golf Ball Reaches Terminal Velocity `
Optical Illusion Dance
Tractor Trailer Mishap 
Largest Glacier Calving Ever
Grinding the Crack
Biggest Surf Wave Ever
Dubstep Beatboxer
Ball Camera
Stop Motion
Top Secret Drum Corp
One Man Band
VW Factory
Hearing for the First Time
Coke and Mentos Car
Time Warp Balloon 
Breaking a wineglass 
Inspired Bicycles
Free Style Football
Wolf’s Law
60 Seconds in a Skate Park
Chalk Art 
Mind Blowing Dance 
Painting Reality
Animation on a Bike
Evolution of Music
Sand Art
Google Street View Hyperlapse
View from ISS at night
Dream Music
Moon Walk
Tony vs Paul 
Stop Motion
On Top of the Hood 
I believe I can Fly 
Experience Human Flight 
Experience Scootering 
I Believe I Can Fly 2
Live Augmented Reality

4. 引發問題的影片 Videos that make us ask questions:

Steven Levitt: Why do crack dealers still live with their moms? 
Gever Tulley: 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do 
Built to Last 
What teachers make 
Lost Generation 
Don’t Eat the Marshmallow Yet 
Vision of Students Today 
Vision of K-12 Students Today 
The Kid No One Wanted
Power of Simple Words
Behind the scenes at McDonalds Photo Shoot 
Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Why you need to fail
The Majestic Plastic bag 
Take My Ball and Go Home

5. 開懷大笑的影片 Videos that get us to laugh together:

Cat Herding Octapodi 
Life after Death by Powerpoint 

Food Fight 

The Invisible Rope 
Thou Shalt Laugh 
Trouble in Paradise 
Ron Lucas and Big Dummy 
Electric face Stimulus 
Basset Hound Beat Box 
Martians Meet a Clock 
Everything is Amazing and Nobodys Happy
Mr. Bean-Pool 
Bill Cosby-Dentists 
Five Minute University 
Barking Fish 
Football vs Baseball 
Charlie the Unicorn 
We’re Sinking Sneak Thief 
Why you should think before you text Pigeon Impossible
Entr Kazoo Man
Introducing the Book
Stupid Terrorist
Slinky on Treadmill 
Dramatic Surprise 1 
Dramatic Surprise 2
Evian Babies
Bulldog Snorting
Ojai Taxidermy 
Lighthouse vs Ship
Gotta Share the Musical
Invisible Drumkit
Flying Fish
Marcel the Shell with shoes on
Worst Ice Skater
Funny Animals
Frozen Grand Central
Spy vs Guy
Kiss Cam 
Safer in Groups
Inflated Animals
Baby and Me
Duck Heart
Mouth Open 
Marcel with Shoes on Two
Fluffy McCloud
Cumulus and Nimbus
Give it a ponder 1 Give it a ponder 2 
Give it a ponder 3 
Give it a ponder 4 Dogboarding
Parallel Parking
Bless You

